Significant points about the verdicts on Vioxx

Released on = June 5, 2007, 8:28 am

Press Release Author = Lala C. Ballatan

Industry = Law

Press Release Summary = Recent observations conclude that the verdicts regarding the
Vioxx cases are apparent examples of the way the United State's "civil justice
system" works to safeguard the people's legal rights. Nowadays, even the biggest and
most prosperous corporations apparently liable for bottom line services can be sued
for damages when they put the public's health and safety at risk.

Press Release Body = Recent observations conclude that the verdicts regarding the
Vioxx cases are apparent examples of the way the United State's "civil justice
system" works to safeguard the people's legal rights. Nowadays, even the biggest and
most prosperous corporations apparently liable for bottom line services can be sued
for damages when they put the public's health and safety at risk.

Los Angeles, California, May 29, 2007 - In his testimony in front of the U.S.
Congress regarding the Vioxx case, David Graham said that the Vioxx drug have played
a major part in the demise of 55,000 American. Graham is one of the resident
scientists of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Furthermore, Graham said that Merck, the corporation who manufactured Vioxx was
aware that they have put an unsafe and potentially deadly drug on the food and drug
market. For this issue, alone, they are legally responsible.

As early as the year 1997, it was found through internal documents of Merck that the
company was already encountering problems with Vioxx. These 1997 documents indicated
that they were already alerted about the health risks caused by Vioxx.

In fact, the top scientist of the company stated in March 2000 that a clinical trial
of Vioxx confirmed that the drug does have hazardous effect to the patients' heart.
Even knowing these potential dangerous threats to the health and safety of the
public who will use Vioxx, Merck continued with its aggressive marketing of the

The result was that Vioxx became a bestseller and Merck made billions for it.

Still conscious of its deception, Merck also trained their drug representatives to
avoid doctor's questions about the drug's safety. This is a testament of the
company's negligence and total absence of concern for the well-being of the public,
particularly its customers.

In addition, the company also underestimated the dangerous effect of Vioxx through a
misleading letter to some doctors in 2001. The company itself produced a game called
"dodge ball," to instruct its pharmaceutical representatives on avoiding the tough
questions concerning their bestseller drug.

Once the doctors failed to be put off by the said tactic, Merck's internal documents
turned out that the company goes to work in discrediting the doctors who continued
questioning the effects of Vioxx.

These tactics of the Merck's CEO was obviously leaning towards the sales promotion
of the drug instead of giving more attention to improving the product so that it
would be safe for the users.

The jurors in the Vioxx trials have given this clear message to the company. They
have even noted that the punitive damages they have awarded to victims that reach up
to $229 million is not a figure they have come up with randomly. This amount was
what Merck officials have projected the company may save by delaying to change the
warning label of the drug.

During the last five years, Merck has spent more than $30 million lobbying to the
U.S. Congress a legislation regarding medical malpractice that would obviously keep
the pharmaceutical companies from being liable in cases such as the Vioxx case. The
reason for this became apparent.

If the bill have become law, it would have been impossible for the victims of Vioxx
to sue the company due to the deadly effects of the drug.

The conclusions drawn by the nationwide Vioxx phenomenon: since the pharmaceutical
companies could not care more for the welfare of its consumers and Washington cannot
find reason to hold them responsible, then the victims and survivors of those who
were killed because of the drug's effect must pursue their cases in the courts.

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